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Labor & Birth Birthworker (Doula) Training
Course Introduction
Meet Nickie and Juli (9:07)
Navigating This Course (4:02)
Zoom group mentoring and Q & A meetings, date, time, and login info
Start Here.
Historical context, reproductive justice, and implicit bias
Cultural appropriation in birthwork (36:03)
Business structures and professional frameworks
The doula's professional framework (40:50)
Finances and contracts (44:54)
Client information and privacy protection basics
Outside of the Birth Room
Prenatal and Postpartum Client Visits (22:05)
All About Birthing Bodies
Anatomy and Physiology of Labor and Birth (129:59)
Labor & Birth
Pre-Labor (39:17)
VIDEO: Stages of Labor: A general introduction to labor and birth from beginning to end. (37:28)
Diving Deep Into The Stages of Labor: The Holistic Model Part One (52:07)
Diving Deep Into The Stages of Labor: The Holistic Model Part Two (51:43)
Second stage: Pushing (87:04)
New Landscapes
Navigating the Hospital (55:01)
Hands-On Skills
Doula Support Skills (93:43)
Trauma Informed Care
Trauma Informed Care (113:33)
Tangible ways to provide comfort and support during a pregnancy loss (24:27)
Informed & Empowered
Informed Decision Making (18:44)
Know Your Rights with Birth Monopoly (152:45)
Birth Preferences and Decisions (20:10)
The American Dream Documentary
11/28/23 ABC News reports on Obstetric Violence
Medical Interventions
The Amniotic Sac and Ruptured Membranes (72:50)
Common Interventions in Labor & Birth (70:16)
Fetal Positioning
BONUS COURSE: Fetal Positioning (156:47)
Final Assignment
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