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Postpartum Birthworker (doula) Training
Course Introduction
Meet Nickie and Juli (9:07)
Navigating This Course (4:02)
Zoom group mentoring and Q & A meetings, date, time, and login info
Historical Context
Historical context, reproductive justice, and implicit bias
Cultural appropriation in birthwork (36:03)
Business structures and professional frameworks
The Postpartum Doula Professional Framework (32:58)
Interviews, Contracts and Finances (14:04)
Client information and privacy protection basics
Daytime and Night time workflow
Daytime and Nighttime Work Flow
Healing and Recovery
Healing from Birth (80:20)
Trauma informed care
Trauma Informed Care (113:33)
Mental Health
Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders (45:28)
All Things Baby
All About Newborns (82:42)
Parent resources for babies with medical needs
Infant Sleep & Working With Multiples by Camilla Rae
Working With Multiples (73:04)
Foundations of Sleep: A holistic approach to setting parents up for success (125:44)
Lactation Support 101 with Laura Cox, RN, CLEC
Introduction to lactation support modules (3:49)
Advantages, recommendations, benefits, and milk composition (20:01)
Stages of lactation (35:11)
Positions and latch (81:21)
Pumps, nipple shields, and storage (12:47)
Common concerns and contraindications in lactation (18:46)
Lactation Justice (19:01)
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